Surya Vengadesan

I am an avid problem solver broadly interested in the applications of compilers and databases in machine learning systems. I earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley.

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Starburst: A Cost-aware Scheduler for Hybrid Cloud

We explore the scheduling trade-offs of job completion time and cost.

clean-usnob What are MDPs? And how can we solve them?

I define Markov Decision Processes and implement two algorithms.

clean-usnob What is BC? How can we use it?

I define Behavioral Cloning and train OpenAI's cartpole agent.

clean-usnob On Imitation Learning: How well does it perform?

I attempt to break down an Imitation Learning paper.

Video Essays
On Compiler Construction: How to build one?

I share my experience exploring compilers through CS 164.